[center][h2]Lord Aldwyn Gerantius [sub][i]"The Heart of All"[/i][/sub][/h2] [hr][hr][/center] [indent][indent]Now turning to face charming half-elf Duchess of Enea, experienced amiability continue to fill the aurora around Aldwyn and laced his words with a friendly tone. He knew what elves and dwarves were like through mostly books although in his time he did meet with them more than once on everything from serious talks of policies to jovial camaraderie. [color=cccccc]"Lady Anfel, your grace,"[/color] Aldwyn nodded at his newest questioner, [color=cccccc]"It is my personal belief that although they are in what is considered the lands of Osteria, they should not be down trodden upon. Local leaders should have their own voice in matters concerning their realms so long they do not purposely incite violence or trouble upon the rest of the people who inhabit this beautiful land; those who know their people make the best leaders of said people rather than outsiders who simply push their will on to others. While completely sovereignty may not be possible at this time, a level of independence is more than achievable in my views. They ought to be given a level of fairness amongst the society of men, guaranteed by law so that they may not have to face anymore hardships than what life already thrusts upon them. Osteria should not treat the likes of Elves and Dwarves differently because they maybe be shorter or have sharper ears; we are all living within the borders of Osteria together wether we like it or not so why not try to make the best of it eh? I should need not mention the skills and resources which the races of Elves and Dwarves bring such as forestry and metal working. If Osteria is to cut herself off from interaction with any outsiders, she would be cutting her own wrists and while she may stand for a while, she will inevitably suffer and fall and her people with her."[/color] [/indent][/indent]