[b]Conrad Sforza[/b] '' My Lord's and Ladies we are missing the larger point here. '' Sforza said, his voice cutting into the chatter sharply. The Baron was not one quick to react to anger but the display put on in this room churned his stomach. '' The King was slain by filthy abominations! Monsters that now are licking their wounds. They have killed the King, do you not think that Gorguth will not use that as a rallying cry to call the other clans to his banner? If we wait, with respect Your Grace, we will face a foe that is two if not three times as strong when he returns. '' The Baron declared, his hand closing into a fist. In his haste to speak he found himself standing. '' I would beseech all of you to consider our options. Yes, we suffered a grievous loss...but these men can be replaced. Revenge must be now, the people will demand it, and this defeat is a stain on the honor of Osteria. If needed, the Duke's and Baron's should muster our own forces and join Duke Stolt for a new campaign in the South. If we press now, perhaps we can expunge the Orc threat forever. If we wait, it is at our own peril. '' It was a sharp break with Duke James but Sforza felt as a loyal vassal, he had to speak his piece. The Baron knew about dealing with monsters, he had been fighting creatures on the Floodplains for decades. The Orc's were little better, part of the same cancer that would devour the Realm of Man if cowardice allowed it to. '' I myself would offer my own troops to serve under you Duke Stolt. '' The Baron said with a nod at the other man. '' Though I would be keen to hear your own views. You have fought these creatures far longer then any of us. What do you advise? You know the state of the Royal Army. Could they be mustered for another campaign to avenge their King? ''