Another Roleplay I was in featured this [s]Clearly younger[/s] girl within it, who was quite show-offy about their art. They had their profile picture as their own, which is fine, links to their deviantart in their signature, also fine, but had a sentence saying [i]"I'm an artist. Just look at my profile picture lmao"[/i] under their name. That was a lil' bit enough to tick me off, but I could not judge. Anyway, it became clear that this 'Art', which if I can be critical, wasn't as amazing as she made it out, but who am I to judge I physically can't hold a pen with one hand and have to use a laptop to survive education. Anyway, so when it came to creating characters, she and some other geezer spammed the entire OOC with 300+ posts whilst the rest of us slept, all one sentence long, about useless and irrelevant shit no one cared about. It pissed us GMs off when looking at it. So one of the Co-GMs asked her if she could stop spamming as it clogged up the OOC and made it difficult to trace back earlier messages. She started to throw a paddy and get all pissy with us. No reason. Standard victim card being played for an issue that really didn't require an argument. Whilst they battled it out, I decided to look up what they were talking about, and found one post that seemed very...Very hilarious. There was a picture of a highly detailed, extremely well drawn face of a woman, clearly done by a very successful artist, with her claiming she drew it underneath. It didn't take a genius to realise that her picture and the art drawn on that compared to this masterpiece was clearly a larger blank space than my own social life. I even found the original artist on a wallpaper company, and asked her if it was truly hers. Once again, she said that it was, and when I chose evidence she started to bring the entire mood down of the RP Thread until we eventually had to shut it down because she got her 'Artist' friends to spam our OOC. To add insult to injury, she eventually went on to creating her own RP. But it wasn't her own, it was almost an exact carbon copy of our one, but with a shitty twist and lack of rules. After I asked someone in the big-chairs of this website to look into it, she called me out for stalking her and all. Useless threats and cheap arguments led to quite an amusing night.