[h1]Lord Marek[/h1] [hr] [hr] "[i]All excellent questions, yes. The state of affairs in the Southern Reaches is a tenuous one, but the Lady of Enea poses a strong inquiry herself as well[/i]," Marek mused, his weathered lips hanging parted. "[i]The Dwarven thanes will come seeking to negotiate new trade routes, and the Elves too will depart their sylvan halls to seek counsel with our new lord. With whom would you parlay, or would you treat with them both equally, lords?[/i]" The rain continued to patter outside. Servants roamed up and down the table refilling mugs and gauntlets, replacing half eaten plates with full plates. "[i]It is wise to remember that our new Liege commands the respect of all his bannermen, lest their fiefs refuse a call to fealty. The Osterian Black Army however, is not the great force it once was[/i]."