[center][b][h1]The Rise of the Second Kingdom of Osteria[/h1][/b][/center] [center][b][h2]The Rise of the Snake [/h2][/b][/center] James nodded to Lord Marek's words before answering Lord Demotoriaus's question "[i]Though it woes me that you recall your vote so hastily, I can see the fear in your eyes when you speak of the orcs, However as Lord Marek points out our grand army is not what it once was having lost more than half its force. Even further the original crusade was ambushed by the orcs, proving that they are not only as tactical as us but know the landscapes far more than us. As for our internal strife we must not forget about the wicked monsters in the floodplains that Baron Sforza and his men fight continuously. As for the plotting within the kingdom while in all my time and this kingdom’s time people have plotted for far greater things, the timing could be no better either. A new King in the realm would be at his weakest point without a unanimous vote for them, and a rebellion could begin as quickly as well. I merely ask for patience should I become King and time to evaluate the situation of the landscape we can’t merely rush out for war without thinking of supply lines as well as feed the lowly farmer in each of our lands.[/i]” He then sat down as quickly as he had rose.