[@Overlord24] Because he is! Flowey is trash!! But I love playing him! Because he is the second most evil character in undertale. Chara is my favourite undertale character to play... you can ask Blue... I made a detailed CS for her too [hider=Chara's detailed CS] [center] [h1][color=ed1c24]Chara Dreamurr[/color][/h1] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/45/6e/bc/456ebcfa097d44d709d25f7cec7678cc.jpg[/img] [b]Do you bleed?[/b] [h3]I'm not the damsel in distress[/h3] [color=ed1c24]|| NAME ||[/color] "The Name is Chara Dreamurr. Don't get it wrong!" [color=ed1c24]|| GENDER ||[/color] "I'm Female, what else could I be. A Flower?" [color=ed1c24]|| AGE ||[/color] "16 and a half" [color=ed1c24]|| GRADE ||[/color] "10th, why does it matter?" [color=ed1c24]|| SEXUALITY ||[/color] "Wow, you really ask a lot of questions... I'm bisexual but I prefer men" [color=ed1c24]|| RELATIONSHIP STATUS ||[/color] "Single and I'm happy about it" [color=ed1c24]|| MORE IN-DEPTH APPEARANCE ||[/color] "I naturally look like this, my cheeks also have natural red circles. The cut scars on my wrist gain in number every month, though. Don't mind my multiple scars, they are normal. I do normally wear a jacket with green sleeves and green hoodie, and the base colour is yellow, I also like wearing black t-shirts and comfy sweat pants with black boots that go up to my mid thigh. I do normally wear bright red eye contacts" [h3]I'm not your best friend or distraught and clueless[/h3] [color=ed1c24]|| PERSONALITY TRAITS ||[/color] ~Stubborn ~Easily Aggravated ~Rude ~Unforgiving ~Merciless ~Over protective [color=ed1c24]|| PERSONALITY ||[/color] Chara is not like her brother and sister, when she get's mad or when you hurt someone she cares about she shows no mercy and will make you play for what you do, by any means. Literally, anything, if you bully Frisk, Chara will find you and slap you across the face then pin you against a wall and throw mean words right back at you and finish with a bunch in the stomach with her full strength. She doesn't hold back for anything, it would take her whole foster family to hold you back, but even then she would be able to drag them and move a foot every minute. [color=ed1c24]|| QUIRKS ||[/color] ~She has severe depression which is why she cuts herself. ~She is rarely ever happy ~She lashes out at a lot of people [color=ed1c24]|| HOBBIES ||[/color] ~Fighting ~working out ~Sharpening her pocket knife ~ROTC ~Dancing [color=ed1c24]|| LIKES & DISLIKES ||[/color] -hurtful people -Being alone -School +Her foster family +Pain +The sight of blood +Sharp things [h3]I'm not like all the rest, just trying to get by[/h3] [color=ed1c24]|| FAMILY MEMBERS ||[/color] ~Frisk ~Asreil ~Tori ~Asgore [color=ed1c24]|| HOUSE DESCRIPTION ||[/color] "I live with my Foster parents but I normally stay in my room that I share with Frisk" [color=ed1c24]|| CAR DESCRIPTION ||[/color] "I dream of having a black car with red splatters" [h3]I'm the bad guy[/h3] [color=ed1c24]|| BIOGRAPHY ||[/color] "SHUT UP~! We don't talk about that. You have no right to know. Now go away before I give you a demonstration of what I went through in my past. I'll make it hurt extra too....... Fine, I might as well tell you since I have to but if you tell a soul I will hunt you down. I was and I probably still am normally feared by people which causes me to be pretty lonely but it doesn't phase me that much though and I do have depression and sometimes suicidal thoughts and I has tried to kill myself because of the fact that people are scared of me and I never really knew my birth parents and my adopted parents don't help with it. But every now and then I would open up to only a few people, thus happens rarely, though, for the simple fact of that, I normally get hurt. I may like physical pain, But I hate mental pain." [color=ed1c24]|| THEME SONG ||[/color] [youtube]https://youtu.be/rKt6X92-o6c[/youtube] [sub]I'm the bad guy All these former human that you see each of them with shaking knees has knelt before me So I'm not your teammate or your partner in crime[/sub] [color=ed1c24]|| OTHER ||[/color] "I like sharp things a lot... They can cause pain... Have you seen my wrists yet? Yeah, the pain is great!" [/center] [/hider]