Oh wondrous doubt! thought Anela, which turn a things of beauty into a forgotten memory. Such a wonderful story, and so marvelously told, that for a moment it felt as if it could be true. Be it the sense of warmth that Cecilia’s eyes commanded, be it the flashing of the silvery armor, and of the blade, which she mastered with otherworldly grace, Anela came as close a contemplating the possibility of falling for her. In the shining shrine, surrounded by the sleepy valleys of Theron, by then a theater of crickets and lost souls, a well spent life awaited ahead, enlightened by the words of a reborn Goddess. Anela could not contain her lips from bending into a smirk of pride. There was warmth in her womb, a maternal feeling of having awaken youth, and that growing sense that Cecilia was somehow hers, that she owed her to keep her alive, and well, and happy. No beast, no matter how vile and how dark, could sever them then. No tale could convince her of the witchcraft that had befallen on Cecilia’s suitors. Anela had seen the terror in the eyes of the young boy in front of the shrine, and she had seen already the speed of his flight, and she had not faltered then, not with a single chill running down her spine. All the legends in the world would but amuse her, and be accompanied by the echo of her laughter in reply. It was not the fear of the witch to refrain her. It was her pride. [color=f7941d]”Ah, there, you thing of beauty."[/color] began Anela [color=f7941d]”Look what foolish words you are already brewing from the lips of this youth! She would give you her entire soul, not even knowing, not for a moment, what truly stirs in your heart. And, as foolish as her, I too, must confess, find the moment quite queer, stirring almost against my will. Two words, until my heart holds, and before the better part of me chickens out of it, for the sake of wisdom: Guide us. Please.”[/color] Anela clenched her fists, and her teeth closed on her lips again. She held them tight, until, with a final burst, she added [color=f7941d]”But, in all due respect, don’t expect that I bow to you for nothing. If needed, she’ll do the bowing for both of us.”[/color]