Despite being the blood relative of the kid, the elder gentleman seemed far less concerned about his health than Mom was. Nervously standing by, it was clear she was only barely containing panic within her frame. Doc's appearance and reassurance eased her mood however, she visibly relaxed as the biomage set to work. "Thanks Doc. I'd... not fully considered everyone here. Didn't think to call you for this," she said, biting a nail. The gentleman turned first to End, and then to Warthog as he offered the credsticks. Graciously taking them, he barely gave End another glance as he extended the money for her with an apathetic gesture. "He got shot," the man answered to Gerard. When the answer's unsatisfactory nature was made known, either through silence or protest, he continued. "The boy's cousin was killed in a driveby the other day. The idiot thought he could do the same... without a car. Soon as he darted off, he got shot in the stomach. He's got vigor to come running back home, I'll give him that." There was a moment of silence as Doc continued, Vivian's game music chiming in the background. Thanks to the combined swiftness of End's 'generosity' and Doc's expertise, the boy was already mended fairly well, blood no longer spilling from his gut. The gentlemen seemed, then, quite eager to get a move on rather than let him lay on the couch surrounded by [i]strange[/i] strangers. For all he knew End would put another bullet in him anyways and demand more. He offered Sabrina a nod in thanks before lifting the kid up by his back and legs, stronger than one might have expected him to be. Before he could make it up the stairs, Mom followed just behind, offering some inaudible words to the man as they both disappeared to the ground floor. Upon returning, Mom had rid herself of the bloodied apron and walked beside the unstained couch. With a long, drawn out sigh, she flopped upon the flat orange cushions. "I'm quite bad at lifting people," she said with a light smile. Peering out from underneath an arm over her eyes, she began mouthing numbers to herself, counting everyone present. "...six, seven. Perfect," she said, suddenly sitting up with newfound energy. "Cash sent me a message with a lead on a nightmare. Thinks he may have found one his own crew isn't very well-equipped to handle. More than your common 'ghostly spook'," she explained, referring to the film crew and accompanying mages that spent their time hunting for magical anomalies. Normally what they found were mere 'spirits' -arcane residue of a deceased mage's will. On rare occasions what they found instead was a nightmare, though they of course never called it as such during filming. Such violent encounters were usually reserved for season finales. "...Though from what it sounds, this isn't a very easy one to find," she said, pulling out a personal device. Scrolling through, she came upon the message from Cash, offering it up to the first person to reach for it. [quote][i]Melanie, Got a tip on a spirit/nightmare. Sounds like the latter. Crew won't touch this one with a ten-foot pole. Stats are grim; at least 20 deaths, and all of them were Mobbers. Seems targeted. Can't send any photos because of... shit. You'll have to send your people my way for me to explain.[/i] [/quote] Mom spoke as whoever continued reading. "It's late tonight, so you should see him tomorrow," she said.