[@rocketrobie2] [color=00a99d]"You're really tall Tu. Tup.. Tug... tugtu... I'm just gonna call you Tug and you are now my friend! I'm an in.. indo... indoc... I'm a Marnie!"[/color] The little gem says chuckling pointing to Tugtupite then at herself before asking, even more, questions, [color=00a99d]"What's Homeworld? What's a gem? If dis has a purpose... Then what are mine and yours? What does versatile mean? What does Offence mean? What is an offiecer? What does recruiter meen?? Wats a spider? Is bot short for a robot?"[/color] She calmly stares at her feet noticing they are still slightly transparent so she rolls onto her back and outstretches her foot to show her new friend, [color=00a99d]"Why are my feet see through likes this?"[/color] Marnie then holds up her a hand which was no completely solid. Her icy blue pale teal highlighted fluffy frizzy hair hangs off the edges of the spider-bot legs. Her teal-ish skirt draping over her thighs. The bow keeping her skirt formed to her body slightly coming loose has moved around more.