[@Zelosse] To the first, yes, he's based on Cupid; the character just dislikes the traditional cupid style which is why he resorted to using guns; the effects are generally the same, just with different rates of fire and distance. They don't actually hurt anybody. Second, I added the stipulation that the effects are dependent on the victims will; if there will is strong enough then it's possible to resist or shrug off his effects entirely. Much like your character, this means its entirely up to the players to decide whether they can resist the effects. It's not something I'd push too hard, so if it just so happens that [i]every[/i] player decides that they can resist the effects of his abilities, then Cue is effectively just a stronger-than-normal teen. And small peeve - where the hell did you get the idea that he was a rapist? He seduces women; that does not immediately equate to being a rapist. It's entirely possible to be extremely attractive [i]without[/i] being a rapist. In any case, I edited his abilities to make them less inexorable.