[center][color=gray][h1]Dawkin Trustram[/h1][/color] [@PlatinumSkink] [/center] Time seemed to slow for a moment as Dawkin's eye raced across the tunnels, categorizing and analyzing. He could rile up the wild Pokemon in the first cave, but the Growlithe knew roar so it'd likely be useless. The next tunnel had more water with a few Pokemon skittering around on top of it. The third had more water... And some light source? It could be from a Pokemon, a weird rock, or outside. Or another person. Figuring the left path had the best chance of getting him out of this he continued sprinting forward as time snapped back into normal speed, adrenaline causing his heartbeat to pump loudly, astonishingly audible to himself. Was he sweating? Ugh. Zealous bastar- buggers weren't they? Dawkin released both Pokemon slightly ahead of himself. [color=gray]"Watergun and Mudslap towards them."[/color] He said commandingly. It only take a moment or two for his Pokemon to orient themselves and fire as soon as his chasers came into range, at which point they would be promptly returned again. It occurred to Dawkin that rapidly releasing and returning his Pokemon might have side effects, oh well, he only planned to do that trick once more at most, so it should be fine. [i]Sploosh[/i]