Cymophane was...confused. There was a Homeworld Gem, which was nice...the Clinohumite had gone over there, and apparently there was another newborn. Neat. The Seraphinite had collapsed apparently. There were noises behind her, calling out to the newborns. Cymophane noped out of that, deciding to follow the Clinohumite, who was, if not anything else, familiar. Besides, the Homeworld Gem probably knew what to do, what with the Kindergarten being built for them and all. Cymophane walked over to the Homewo-Tugtupite, the Gem was a Tugtupite. Specifics are nice. She walked over to the Tugtupite, noticing that the gem that went by "Marnie" was asking quite a few questions, most of which Cymophane knew...she wasn't sure how, but apparently she had some knowledge of things she hadn't even seen yet. This probably didn't matter. What did matter was... [color=fff200]"Hello, Tugtupite. My name is Cymophane. It's nice to meet a Homeworld Gem. I look forward to working with you...but I have a rather urgent question. Who is that voice behind us?"[/color][@rocketrobie2] She gestured back towards the voice. [@pyroman]