Nightgate guys, your have three choices. [b]Engage Dzuungits[/b], [b]protect Daelin[/b] or [b]run away[/b]. Dzuungits can be killed, or Daelin can saved, if four or more people are committed to one of these things. Additional Kamals will fight alongside Dzuungits and try to kill Daelin. Anything but running away will include a dice roll. Running away will guarantee you no injuries. The Kamals will be mostly on foot. This is only their impatient early half (~20), as the later half are slowly maneuvering their bears past obstacles. These guys are not the best fighters on foot, due to them being cavalries. You can find small openings in their medium armor. The armor metal itself can be reliably defeated by glass/ebony, or weakened by fire; note that Ji'Versai dropped a glass scimitar when he exploded. Firesalt is present in several barrels and can disorientate Kamals. 1v1 against a Kamal is a bad idea.