[h2] [color=gold]Tachi[/color] [/h2] [hr] Tachi started making his way to his house and inhaled. The day was quite nice. He laid a hand on the door and inhaled before opening it. Then his eyes widened. [url=http://www.idesignarch.com/wp-content/uploads/Engawa-House-Seattle_4.jpg]Inside[/url] was amazing. Asian feeling and yet comfy. He turned and looked outside to see a [url=http://st.houzz.com/simgs/9d71273a03289a43_4-9867/asian-landscape.jpg]a small tea house[/url]. He smiled and shook his head seeing all the paintings on the walls of cherry blossoms and cranes and the like. He slid a pocket door to the bedroom and that was a different story. there was a large circular bed that took up a lot of space with two closets on either side. One he knew contained kimonos and casual clothes while the other....contained his more work attire. A chuckle escaped him and before he finished exploring he quickly changed into regular clothes. The purple t shirt somehow accenting his skin tone hair and eyes nicely along with a pair of relatively tight levis....and regular underwear. He paused and pulled the picture out as he wandered back out of the bedroom. Now bare feet barely making any noise as he walked. He stopped and found the perfect spot and a bamboo picture frame. He lightly put it into the frame and hung it. Pausing he saw a small sitting area with a hammock bench outlooking the outside and chuckled again before walking through the bedroom to the bathroom. The bathroom had more natural elements. Wood surrounding a steam room and a shower. Bowl sinks and a the toliet tucked into its own room for privacy. The real stunner of the room though was the [url=https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M037f6393763edd7f2767e1bb7bb0b44do0&pid=15.1]Hammock Bathtub[/url]. It overlooked a different part of the outside and had glass that the person inside could see out of but no one outside could see in. He shook his head and grinned. It was perfect. Tachi lightly wandered back to the bedroom and then paused. There was a door he missed. He gently pushed it open and rubbed his face. Inside was a pair of long ribbons meant for [url=https://youtu.be/rNFxquGqkT4?t=54]Aerial dancing.[/url] It was an odd layout, but the house nailed it. He knew if he went into that tea house that it would be everything he wanted. He walked out of there and found a sitting area. He paused seeing a letter on the table. He lightly opened it and then with anger tore it up. He stood anger vibrating off of him and walked out of the house. [i]How dare they fake that. [b]They[/b] would never write that. [b]they[/b] did not even want me[/i] He stood outside the house his phone in his pocket just in case and his emotions running rampant. A hand through his hair as he slowly slid down the door into a sitting position and buried his face in his arms for a moment.