[quote=@MissCapnCrunch] [i]I'm very interested in this- but have never done an advanced roleplay. Is this something I should be weary of? Not sure if I can be up to standards.[/i] [/quote] Its the low end of advanced/high end of casual, so as long as you're writing at a decent standard, you should be fine :) [quote=@tal0n] [@Kingfisher] I'm definitely intrigued by this RP, and I want to join, but I need to know something first: How often do you expect people to post? I'm in my 3rd year of college, so free time is occasionally a luxury for me.... And I'm also not experienced with Advanced RPs, but I am willing to learn. [/quote] Two times a week would be my preference. I can make exceptions for IRL circumstances, though. That's fine, this is more of a high end casual than an Advanced RP :)