I'd love to join you guys, heres my character sheet: [color=ed1c24][u]Name:[/u][/color] Toshiro Itsuka [color=ed1c24][u]Age:[/u][/color] 18 [color=ed1c24][u]Preferred weapon:[/u][/color]Katana [color=ed1c24][u]Side-arm:[/u][/color]Beretta 92 [img]http://www.beretta.com/assets/0/15/DimGalleryLarge/92fs_zoom001.jpg[/img] [color=ed1c24][u]Appearance:[/u][/color]My profile picture [color=ed1c24][u]Background:[/u][/color] Before the proverbial shit hit the fan, Toshiro was just a regular highschooler. Well... Regular was putting it mildly, he tried to keep a low profile, though it was hard when you're the star member of your kendo team in their highschool. Though along with that his grades were pretty above average. He was a bit of a loner though. Though it wasn't for lack of trying on the other students parts. He just preferred being alone. He was always alone really when his father was out late working as a police officer. Though when the things went the right of bang (Military jargon for when the apocalypse started) he felt right at home. He could be a loner, or so he thought until he wandered upon the band of misfits that was the survivor group (You guys) where he felt a little closer to home. ((I am a general to advanced role-player, though I'd like to take it a bit slower with a free role-play. (: ))