[@Sophrus][@Wraithblade6][@Necroes][@BCTheEntity][@DepressedSoviet][@Hank][@Bright_Ops] Right. After reading through this little 'debate', and much thinking, my final decision is this; [@Necroes], you are essentially running an RP within an RP (RPception), to the [i]possible[/i] detriment of the other players and RP as a whole. While I myself don't have a problem with two daemons, and am happy for you to keep going with them, I will admit that an [b]army[/b] of them is a no-no. You want a [b]pack[/b] of them (a few Bloodletters and Horrors etc) then I'll allow it, but nothing constituting an army. As [@Sophrus] rightly stated, just the presence of so many daemons - even for a brief time - would make the Imperial counter-response so lethal and so large that there'd be no point in us even continuing the RP...we'd all be dead after having our arses purged. In short, keep it to an [i]appropriate level[/i] I.E. Similar to the rest of the players, even the most powerful of us being no higher or more powerful than an [i]Astartes[/i]. That's my decision. As for the rest of you, feel free to go deeper into the hulk, get attacked by slithery Tyranids or write a co-op post as BC is doing; for the record, there are no Eldar aboard the hulk, just mutants, cultists and Tyranids.