[quote=@Keyguyperson] [@Arkaquiavel] Actually, if North Korea tried anything of major importance China would probably blitz them and just set up another opressive puppet government in the region. China wants a buffer state, not the whole peninsula. During the big showdown where it looked like the cease-fire might be broken last year, China stationed mobile forces on their border with North Korea in what appeared to be preparation for an attack. For all we know, that might have been enough to make them stand down. [b]It really boils down to whether or not China wants to deal with beating back American attacks, occupying a heavily populated and vehemently independent South Korea, and risking the possibility of the total destruction of Earth's entire biosphere.[/b] [/quote] I understand the interest for a buffer state right there. What concerns me is what could happen if it comes to the point where the West ends up taking action over NK before China does, knowing the already building up tension between the West and China, as China would likely not be happy over the rival initiative. But then, I suppose it actually could be solved through negotiations, by both sides allowing the existence of a buffer state there. There have been way more troublesome situations than that would be in the Cold War for sure. Whatever happens, the text I set as bold in the quote remains true, though.