Rin grabbed Haruki by the arm, giving him a little tug, snapping him out of his daze. “Come on, we have to do the written exam, right now. We have to hurry, before we’re late. If we miss this, we’ll fail automatically,” she explained, knowing Haru already knew, but wanting to give him a wake up call. Haruki rubbed his forehead, thinking to himself “what the hell am I doing”. The written test was just as important as the physical one. If you fail that test, you’re booted out without a retake. If you’re late for the physical exam, you could possibly talk your way into a make up exam, but this is a test about law and situation. If you don’t make it to the exam then it shows, that you don't have respect for the law to begin with. Haruki and Rin made it to the testing room, noticing that the room was a bit packed. They took their seats, waiting for the instructor to tell them that they could begin. The instructor was in the process of giving them a lesson on testing etiquette first. Haru looked around, noticing the girl from earlier, that did amazing in the physical exam. What was her name, Misako? She was sitting in the far corner of the room. She looked a little distressed about something. She glanced at him, noticing that she was being watched. Haruki quickly turned around, feeling like a creeper. Embarrassed that he was discovered. Rin turned slightly, to look at what cause Haru to blush so much, noticing the girl from before, sitting in the far corner of the room. It was the same girl, Haru was drooling over before. The thought made her feel a bit uneasy, for some reason. She shook it off when she heard the Instructor yell out “Begin”. ----------------- Misako, was sweating a bit, from her anxiety from being around so many people, she didn’t know. She felt like everyone was staring at her. She looked around, noticing that someone was actually staring at her. It caused her to freeze up a bit. He quickly evaded eye contact, when he noticed that she spotted him, which relieved her slightly. She kept questioning, the purpose of why she was here in the first place, even though she knew why. “Now Begin!!!” yelled the instructor, startling her a bit. She flipped over her test to begin. --------------------- Haruki finished his test, before Rin, turning it in, to be reviewed. When he turned it in, he waited for the test reviewer to go through it. After getting approval, he made his way out of the room. Rin may have done better in the physical part, but he was had the brains in the group. He wouldn’t dare tell her that though. He laughed at the thought, deciding to wait for her in the hallway. ---------------- Hiro and Ollie made it to the auditorium. The first thing Hiro noticed was the giant television, in the front. “What is this a movie theater?” he said out loud. He heard that the physical exam was complete, but they had footage of most of the exam. It was always interesting to see the athletic abilities of the ones taking part in the exams. He’d be lying, if he said he wasn’t a little interested. He took his seat, near the back. He knew that if he sat in the front, some eyes were going to be on him. Everyone knew who his father was, or at least knew of him, when he died. A Power Ranger's identity is revealed when they die, so that they can be honored for their service in the force. The thought of his father's death, soured his mood a bit. “Hey Ollie, lets go to the arcade after this,” Hiro said to Ollie, wanting to shake off the thought.