[center][h1][color=A7E6EC]Howlite[/color][/h1] mentions: [@HaltingBlooper][@The1Rolling1Boy][@rocketrobie2][@pyroman][@Raijinslayer][@Gutshot] [/center] "[color=f7976a][i]You lied! Yes! You lied! [u]Beautiful~[/u] Homeworld gems ARE here![/i][/color]" “[color=A7E6EC]I wasn't Lying, they didn’t come for me when I emerged. They didn’t come for me...[/color]” 100 years and when it came down to it only a coincidence had resulted in her crossing paths with this Tugtupite, if she had chosen anywhere else to stay, or not decided to go to sleep she would have stayed abandoned, cast off, forgotten. Yet here they were, she could do what she was made for, after all this time she would belong. Suffice to say Howlite was conflicted, her innate loyalty for her creators and need to be part of something greater fighting against her disillusionment from and resentment for homeworld. Clinohumite’s sisters fate was a prime example of why she did not have good impressions of homeworld, the fact they had presumably lost the war didn’t help either and apparently the gem was here for ‘recruiting’, which implied that there were other options. Of course those options had yet to appear and she was currently trapped down here with this gem, the presumably loyal super soldier Clinohumite and the confused Indocolite that had just appeared. She had no power for her kit and was outnumbered 4 -1 by Gems larger than her, taking them on did not seem like a good Idea. Despite her dithering there was only one option, to approach try and find out some more information, seeing as it was unlikely she was getting out of here on her own, and then to see what came of it. But first... While the Indocoloite… While Marnie bombarded the Tugtupite with questions, Howlite casually approached one of the other giant mechanical spider that were roaming the area and then sneakily extended on of the wire like tendril of her hair to touch the bot. Within the next second she had run through and understood most of its systems and more importantly convinced the other drones linked to it that nothing was wrong. While presumably they would notice if it started acting weird, like for example running off with her riding it, they would probably not consider her briefly taking a cable out of the front mounted ring and attaching it to the powersupply of the spider bot hostile, particularly when the botts many limbs mostly hid her from their view. With it’s several thousand years of technical advancement over the devices she had made the bot hardly noticed she had leached off enough power to charge her equipment again. She decoupled the wire and slid down her visor, the front briefly displaying a tumbling hourglass as it booted up before the 5 ‘eyes’ on the front appear, currently dim so as to not reveal her location. Her eyes safely hidden behind the protective screen she enabled infrared night vision, the top eye sending out light rays in a non visible spectrum, allowing her to see a high resolution, if monochrome, version of the cavern without also making her extremely visible to all the others present. She then nonchalantly wandered over to the little group of Cymophane, Marnie, Tugtupite and Clinohumite, now much more confidant behind her protective screen. “[color=fff200]...Who is that voice behind us?[/color]” “[color=A7E6EC]Howlite, reporting for duty.[/color]” She announced, before sweeping her gaze towards the direction Cymophane was pointing in, switching to a visual spectrum for now, the beam of light shining out into the darkness, probably Illuminating Seraphinite, Sodalite and anyone else nearby as it hunted around the Kindergarten for the source of the sound.