Had to come up with a way that they'd get hold of a map so they'd know which way to go and that seemed like as good a solution as any. Didn't want to bunny him too much hence his abrupt-ish poof XD but awesome, we shall see how it goes then no? Depending where we go and how appropriate they are I might scoot in another NPC as well, but don't want to do it just for the sake of having a new character y'know? XD Ooohh man, I'm kinda scared to find out about her powers now, yet intruigued at the same time! :'( *prepares nerves for the worst* XD This all sounds really good! And I like the idea of them using the former Senate Tower as their HQ, as for a new name for it uuhhh...I'll have to have a think on that XD Dromund Kaas is a sensible target for them definitely, and probably likely to contain a couple stasis pods anyways since it was basically the Empire's capital in its hayday :P awesome, let's get our Yerbol back! ;w; xD