[@Aewin][@Pudding][@Melo][@Ailyn Evensen][@Snagglepuss89][@tsukune][@Shadow007][@Eidolen][@MayLien][@Heap241] [@banjoanjo][@CrazyShadowy][@JaceBeleren][@aviendha][@Indra] Good posts, you three (Jace, Aewin, and Shadowy). Just a quick heads up, Jace, in case you don't know (I've had to explain this to several people). 'Van' is his middle name, so his surname isn't 'van Bonaparte' or anything like that. I noticed, for the most part, you did refer to him as 'Bonaparte', but since I saw that one instance of 'Van Bonaparte' I figured it's worth making sure you knew this. [center][h1]~[/h1][/center] Status update: [list][*] [b]Still waiting for Indra to finish his 'Private CS'.[/b] I'll be making a PM notification about it soon, because time's running out.[/list] [list][*] Lotus can respond to Henneth whenever, but sooner than later -- their interaction will decide how much of a time skip happens and when it happens.[/list] [list][*] In the very near future, the role-play will be moving to Chapter 2. A collaboration post between Leonard, Reinald, and Karlita will basically be the closing post for Chapter 1, and I'll open up the next part of the plot from that point through another post of my own. All posts involving actually reaching the estate should be held off until Chapter 2 happens. The collaboration might end up being multiple posts, so wait until I actually make a point that it's Chapter 2.[/list]