[h1]Lord Marek[/h1][hr][hr] "[i]And now a new voice is added to the fray, the newcomer Duke Alaric Gyre.[/i]" Lord Marek had remained unmoving, his posture rigid and stone like. "[i]Atop this, Duke Gyre promises a great many things. Perhaps then--with three potential candidates--it would be prudent for each Lord, and Lady, to cast a vote.[/i]" Marek moved, one unsteady step at a time to the other side of the table, until a man wreathed in similar colored vestments approached with a rolled parchment. Marek took it carefully into his palms and returned to the head of the table. "[i]This is the Parchment of the Chosen, and whomever among you becomes king, will have it bestowed upon you. It contains a great many secrets of the kingdom. Secrets that must follow you into your grave[/i]." [In your next posts, please post your [b]Vote[/b] in brackets at the end for Moderator's sake.] [[b]Lord Gerantius[/b]: 2 Votes] [[b]Duke Gyre[/b]: 2 Votes]