[center][h2]Contest 1[/h2][h1]Pick a God and Pray 1[/h1][/center] Time for our first contest. Everyone who is a Fire Emblem fan is by now aware of quotes that are used at the beginning of a Critical Hit or at the activation of a Skill in the games. Now, I give you a chance to make similar quotes for your characters. [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWApguCsyRg[/youtube][/center] Each Player may create [b]up to 3 Critical Quotes[/b], whether all for the same character, or all for different characters, but they should all be for an accepted character(s) created by you for this RP. These quotes should be submitted to me [b]via PM[/b]. Submissions by other means will be ignored. The deadline for this contest is [b]Wednesday, March 1st, 2017 @ 12:00 PM, Central Standard Time[/b]. Voting will then be from March 1st through 7th. Now for the fun part, prizes! Once all of the submissions have been received, you, as players, will be able to vote for your favorite quotes. These will be sorted into multiple categories, with the appropriate prizes for each: Most Creative (Prize: "Pathfinder" Skill Scroll) Most Entertaining (Prize: "Rally" Skill Scroll) Most Intimidating (Prize: "Aggressor" Skill Scroll) Fan-Favorite (Prize: "Despoil" Skill Scroll) Best All-Around (Prize: "Limit Breaker" Skill Scroll) In addition, three runner-up characters for "Best All-Around" will receive a "Bullion (M)" as a secondary prize. You will vote on four of the above categories (Most Creative, Most Entertaining, Most Intimidating, and Fan-Favorite), with Best All-Around being decided from the combined votes of all categories. The items themselves will be gifted to the characters the quotes belong to. Best of luck to all! [b][u]FAQ:[/u][/b]