[@DriveEMOut][@MikkishtheLeprechaun] Jack had asked her what she likes to do. To be honest, Luna is simple of enough to only have a couple things she likes doing. “Well I like exploring in general. Oh and water.” Her ears soon twitched because it sounded like someone just burst into the mansion? What reason could anyone have for that? “Oh hi John, “ Luna said as he caught up. “Actually I was just wondering what was going on. I thought I heard commotion.” Then saw some guy behind John. “Well...that answers that question.” Why were they after John? She pulled the water from the air and froze it, ready to through it at these guys who seemed to be after John. After the bounty hunter had apparently shot Jack and took off after John, Luna threw her ice at him, but missed since he had gone through a door. Afterward, she looked to see if Jack was ok. He was. Luna apparently needlessly worried about him. She followed after him. Luna seeing the grenade slowed down a bit and waited before continuing after Jack. It wasn't like she thought he needed help. Just wanted to continue talking with him and was quite annoyed that was interrupted. Not to mention she wanted that tuna later. [@Letmehaveone2][@booksmusicanime] Ayaka waited outside for Alex and looked at the room Arin pointed to. At least she knew which one was his now. “Mine and Luna's is 16.” Ayaka has been hearing fighting going on as well. Wow. Someone who wasn't trying to mess with Arin. That was big switch. Not that she was complaining or anything. “Yeah. There's definitely something going on.” “And by the sound of it, we better get moving or we may find ourselves caught up in it.” She didn't feel like participating in a fight at the moment..