Ty's sense of direction lead her unerringly to the gas station. She poked her head over an abandoned car and watched two Zombies slowly move. They were between her and the gas station. Which wasn't good because the pumps were right there in the open. Ty tightened her grip on her gun and took a few seconds to plan her next course of action. She could make some noise and then skirt around the area while the dead were distracted. It would give her a few minutes to get gas. Which meant she needed containers and first. And maybe robe so she could carry more than one gallon. Ty nodded her head and set off again, making her way slowly around the walking dead. She paused just around the corner of the station's store and poked her head around. She waited barely breathing as she Zombie slowly turned away from her. Without giving herself a chance to second guess herself she dashed to the door. She opened it hoping against all else that it wouldn't chime. [i]Ding-ding[/i] The melodious tone of the sensor was apparently in working order. Ty cursed as she pulled the door shut behind her. The closer zombie was already turning towards the door. Ty cursed again and looked around for anything that could be used to keep the door shut. Not that it would stop the freaking zombies for long. Glass wasn't as good as a solid wood door. Watching a zombie go through glass was a real stomach turner. Even more so if it was the only thing separating you from the hungry dead. Ty looked for anything that could work to tie the doors together. When she came up short she let go of the door with more curses and stripped off her belt. With quick movements she tied it around the doors and none too soon as the zombie walked right into the glass. Ty wasted precious seconds waiting to see if the thin leather would hold.