[center][img]http://rp.alexarnold.ca/ian/Blitz_p1.png[/img] — Cafe Thaza basement —[/center] Ian chose that moment to walk in with a nondescript but possible suspicious brown paper bag held in one hand, just in time to hear Sabrina give the summary. He looked around the crowded room and the very fresh looking bloodstains. He didn't look like he had decided how to react, having passed the man and the kid on the stairs. "I either have good timing or terrible timing. We have some work then?" To be honest he hadn't expected to see anyone here save for a couple of regulars. For everyone to have shown up it was either luck or something more serious. He was leaning towards the latter. Ian stuffed the bag into his jacket pocket. Work should always come first. "We have an address or anything else? There should be a way we can keep people out of the area." Although the news of the butchery should have done that. He went over a few plans of attack in his head. If ti was indeed territorial they should be able to lure it into an ambush. Get a few people and some of the docs minions to get the nightmares attention and then draw it out towards the heavy hitters like Arsenal, Warthog and himself. If it were as dangerous as it appeared then a quick kill would be better than a drawn out fight. He kept this to himself, they didn't have nearly enough info to come up with a plan yet.