[b][center][color=#17c311][h3][i]Cyneburg[/i][/h3][/color] [color=#17c311]Location:[/color] Orc Cave [color=#17c311]Interacting with:[/color]Keystone, The Scooby Gang[/center][/b] [color=#17c311]"Um,"[/color] Cyne began as she flipped Keystone's knife around in her hand. [color=#17c311]"I don't believe we will need quite so many people. It should be fine if it's just myself or Ntaj. And if there's more trouble from the other side of the wall, we would likely be safer if the group were not split in half."[/color] Considering they were recovering from an en masse undead attack, Ntaj & Friends were surprisingly willing to break the effective battle power of the party into a mere fraction of its total for no real reason. Carefully, Cyne slid the knife back into Keystone's sheath before taking a step away from the big, burly man. She contemplated just walking off into the cave alone without another word, but ultimately that would likely create more issues than it'd solve. Tempting as it was to avoid being around Calanon and Gretchin together, this conversation needed to be seen through until the end since she involved herself in it. Seriously though, if those two were going to spend so much time off together, they might as well shag and get it over with.