[center][h1][color=C40000]Cerise Sorovillo[/color][/h1][/center] [hr][hr] [color=C40000][b]Age:[/b][/color] 23 [color=C40000][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=C40000][b]Affiliation:[/b][/color] Al'Ghazad Bandit Tribe [color=C40000][b]Height:[/b][/color] 6'1 without the antlers, 9'4 with the antlers. [color=C40000][b]Weight:[/b][/color] 168 pounds [color=C40000][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Cerise is quite striking with a combination of coal-black hair, pallid skin, and red eyes. Her full lips are usually coated in dark red lipstick, due to her obsession with the color red. A large pair of caribou [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/2c/8a/38/2c8a383195a8f55b90b5f92f7690fe75.jpg]antlers[/url] sticks out from the top of Cerise's head, marking her as a Faunus. They're about 39 inches in length, and could easily injure someone if she rammed a person with them. She prefers to dress loosely, the norm being a plain cotton [url=https://s-media-cacheak0.pinimg.com/736x/d0/37/8d/d0378d5c0e524294449d759abdf59f5a.jpg]shirt[/url] and a pair of brown [url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=62471187]pants[/url]. Her favorite form of footwear is [url=http://www.medievalcollectibles.com/images/Product/large/GB1165.png]boots[/url], as she prefers to be comfortable instead of in those foot traps called 'heels.' She is not one to accessorize, as hats are not a possibility and she has little patience for needless trinkets and baubles. Plus, they're a liability on the battlefield. So she keeps her wardrobe simple, preferring plain rather than fancy. [color=C40000][b]Weapon:[/b][/color] Cerise's weapon is a bronze crossbow with its secondary form being a sword. The blade of the sword slides out of the bolt channel, serving as a guide for arrows and the blade for said sword. The limbs of the crossbow retract into the body of the barrel when it turns into a sword, with the butt of the crossbow serving as the hilt of the sword. Its name is "Vengeance". [color=C40000][b]Semblance:[/b][/color] Cerise can detect weaknesses in a person, both mental and physical. She knows what makes them tick and the best place to hit them. However, she only knows the bare minimum of their weaknesses and has no knowledge of their strengths. It makes her very effective as a leader, as she is able to detect weaknesses and correct them. [color=C40000][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [list] [*]Bitter [*]Harsh [*]Grumpy [*]Loyal [*]Vengeful [/list] [color=C40000][b]Bio:[/b][/color] Cerise was born into a poor family of Faunus in a small town in Mistral. They often didn't have enough money to feed themselves. But her parents were loving and kind to their daughter, and gave her such love in her early years. Cerise doesn't remember much about her parents, besides small memories of her mother braiding her hair or singing her a lullaby. But all that changed, when at the age of six a group of hateful soldiers burnt their small cottage to the ground, butchering her parents with their blades. Cerise was able to escape the soldiers, but her life was hell after that. She became a scavenger, searching for small scraps of food to eat in trash bins. People would often shoo her away, treating her like she was but an annoying raccoon going through their trash. Which she was, in a way. Local human children would throw rocks at her, or pin her down and pull her antlers. Her earlier years were filled with so much hate- and no one really cared. One day when was 12, she was caught rummaging through the garbage of a bandit group. Taking pity on her, they incorporated the small, starving girl in as a errand girl of sorts. She would clean their tents, or make the food for the band. For the first time in 6 years, she felt loved. Eventually, Cerise found a mentor among the bandits who was willing to teach her the way of the crossbow. She excelled at it, and began rising the ranks of the tribe quickly. By the time she was 20, she had ascended to the position of leader. Under her lead, the tribe became more ruthless and organized. Pretty soon, Cerise and her tribe were feared all around Mistral. They would strike with no warning, and within the cover of darkness, no one ever saw their faces. The only face anyone ever remembers is a woman with large caribou antlers. A woman with red lips the color of blood, black hair the color of coal and pallid skin. Cerise has a large bounty on her head- although she had been presumed dead since she was six. No one knew her name- so they referred to her only as "Doe" due to her huge antlers. When Cerise heard the rallying call, she hadn't wanted to go. But it was eventually figured out that someone would have to go. So Cerise went, and put her Second in Command in charge for the time being. She just hopes that no bounty hunter will end up recognizing her. [hr] Here is the CS! [@Hypnoid]