Ryu stepped outside of his home and took a deep breath. The mist in the air entered his lungs and exited on the exhale. The air was cool and that was how he liked it. He smiled as the cool air helped clear his head. He shouldn't have anything to worry about. He was confident in his skills and was determined enough to face whatever his new sensei threw at him. Ryu closed his eyes and continued to allow the air clear his senses. It wasn't until he heard the sounds of a bird that he was brought back to reality. When he opened his eyes, there was a small grey messenger bird sitting on the railing next to him. Ryu smiled at the bird knowing it was the message he was waiting for. He reached for the bird and received the message. The bird flew away, and Ryu opened the message. [i][center]Team 2. Ryu Heisui Jizo Uzuwaru Natsume Yuki You are to convene on the morning dew Islet, east of the village. You will await further instructions there.[/center][/i] Ryu didn't need any more of a direction. He stood up onto his feet, secured swift onto his back, and started his walk over to the dew Islet. It was during the walk over that Ryu decided to look over the names that he was given. He skipped over his name and started to read the others. He recognized the two names on the paper, but he didn't know too much about them. He had heard of the Yuki clan before, and remembered something about others hating the girl because of this heritage. Ryu didn't view himself as the person to judge a person due to their heritage, but he judged them by their morals and personality. Ryu looked up and noticed that he was almost to the target destination and cut over onto the water. He is still a little uneasy walking on the water, but he knew enough to make it to the island without any real problems. When Ryu reached the island, he saw a lone figure through the mist and approached it. When he got close enough, he could make out the form of a young maiden. He automatically assumed it was Natsume Yuki, but he didn't want get too ahead of himself. As he moved closer and closer to the figure, Ryu made out more details of the girl before him. She had black hair that flowed down past her shoulders, and cold blue eyes. He remembered seeing her at the academy before, but he had never really connected the name to the body. [b]"Greetings! I assume your one of my new teammates, Natsume, right?"[/b] Ryu said with a small smile.