[h2][color=B22222][center][i][b]Lerraina[/b][/i][/center][/color][/h2] [center][color=B22222][i]Location:[/i][/color] By the cave [color=B22222][i]Interacting with:[/i][/color] Everyone [/center] [hr][hr] Lerraina didn't quite care for threatening spaces, and as she saw it, she was the only not engaged in anything important. [color=b22222][b]"I believe I will stay behind. Someone will have to take watch, and at the very least, as a skilled scout, I think I could fill that role for the time being. Besides, the Druid is right.[/b][/color] she nodded in Cyneburg's direction. It was the least she could do to help out, and it was certainly better than twiddling her fingers in a cramped, dank space. It was uncomfortable enough to be invited, and with such flourishing words, she wanted to crawl in a hole. She rolled her shoulders forward before settling herself on a nearby tree. Her bow still in hand, she reached for her flask and took a swig. A low grumble surfaced as she realized she had reached the bottom of the polished container. She would just have to get through the rest of this without the ease of a good drink. She distanced herself enough from the group to scan their surroundings.