"Good that you've been keeping busy. As long as you are using your powers for good and keeping out of trouble, I won't complain". Aerta made a fist with her right hand and used her knuckles to rub deeply on the sole of the foot between the ball and heel. "And before you ask, Kara is doing fine. She's 18 now. She's a sorceress like I am. You know, born with our magic. Discovered her power not long after you last visited. Yeah, she can heal but she really cannot fight." Aerta then cupped one hand under the heel, behind his ankle, to brace the foot and leg. She grasped the ball of the foot with the other hand and turned the foot slowly at the ankle five times in each direction. Then, she used her fingers to press deeply and draw lines from his heel up to the toes. She did this part five times.