[center][h2][b][u][color=0054a6]The PRT Building[/color][/u][/b][/h2] [sup][@Eklispe][/sup][/center] There was an incredibly mundane and unbuilt robot residing on the desk in the room, with a bunch of scrap metal resting around it. It was quite the disappointing sight at the moment, but alas, that was to be continued at a later time, right now Ruben had to try and spill out as much info as he could about his past to this Jackson fellow. Ruben lifted himself onto the bed in the room, resting in a sitting position, tossing around his old creation of the Eye as if it was a ball. [color=8882be][b]"So... I'm going to be honest with you Jackson, I have no idea who I was before I found myself in that bunker. I knew my name -- or at least what I thought it was -- and I had quite the fair bit of knowledge when it came to strategy and hacking, but that's about all I could even think of. From what I could dig up about my past at all from various memories I could write down before I forgot them, I had gone to high school, I had dropped out for some reason -- I think the loss of my leg contributed to it -- and I had lost my leg from cancer. That's all I can tell you though, because this amnesia is keeping my other memories on lock down. I'd like to tell you more, but I simply can't."[/b][/color]