For what it was worth, Torr had been doing a remarkable job being a good unborn Ig and staying put despite all of the commotion that was coming from outside of his egg. After all, there were no strong enemies for him to fight in his dark confines, so there didn’t seem to be a reason for him to go and make a fuss like his brood mates. But rather suddenly, Torr’s egg was thrown backwards from an unseen force, eliciting a grunt of surprise from the not-quite-newborn. Most creatures, even dim witted newborn Ig’s, would have likely suspected that the force came from outside of the egg, but not Torr. No, he came to the conclusion that his first adversary had finally made a move against him. And that enemy was his egg itself. And so he punched back. With an awful crunching sound, Torr’s puncher shot out of his shell as he let out a rather unintimidating battle cry. Remarkably, his wobbling egg maintained its shape, minus the fist sized hole in it, much to the little Ig’s surprise. [i]’[color=red]A stubborn one right from the start, eh?[/color]’[/i] he thought to himself in annoyance. It was of little consequence though, as Hivemind, in its ever dependable foresight, had given him two punchers to work with. So without any hesitation, Torr struck his foe again. But again, his foe did not relent, staying stubbornly together all too well. Torr’s annoyance surged, as he had not expected to struggle so much with his first battle, but the feeling turned to dismay when he realized he could not pull his punchers back into his shell for another a round. The fiery Ig racked his little thinker for ideas on how to topple this nearly insurmountable foe. His eyes lit up as he marveled at the true genius that was Hivemind. They hadn’t given him just two punchers, but four. So with newfound conviction, Torr placed his feet against the shell in front of him and “punched” with all the strength he could muster. The shell held together for a tense few moments, but finally gave in with one last drawn out crunch. The sizable hole his adversary not only freed little Torr’s arms, but also allowed what little light the hatchery had to offer sneak into his egg. Excited, the triumphant Ig hurriedly repositioned himself into a sitting position and poked his head, which had a slightly too proud smirk on it, out of his shell. He quickly turned his head this and that, both taking in the sights of colorful environment and looking for his next foe. His jerking motion stopped as his eyes fell on a pink and red egg right next to his own. “[color=red]Hey,[/color]” he called out curiously to the egg, knocking on it with one of his punchers. “[color=red]Are you my next opponent?[/color]” [hr] [@SilverDawn]