[quote=@Rin] I'm always up for some shonen fightan' action, at least pending on whether I can figure out a workable character or not. XD [i]Way[/i] more familiar with Dragonball when it comes to the two mentioned anime, but I've heard good things about Hunter X Hunter so yeah. [/quote][color=mediumslateblue]No worries! I want the setting and plot to be original, just heavily inspired by the mentioned anime. Hunter X Hunter is awesome, I love it! Like [@Dblade26] said, it's one of my all time favorites. Although the setting will take concepts from Hunter X Hunter, it won't take away from the experience at all even if you know nothing about it! In fact, the concept of the techniques in Hunter X Hunter is pretty easy to understand and draws on common Asian lore around aura and qi techniques. It has its own take and creativity, but the inspiration and root is the same. With that being said, what do you guys think on a loose currency system for fun? Characters could use said currency to purchase weapons maybe, even train under certain masters? I'd come up with some more things if it garnered interest. It wouldn't break the game or anything either, as all characters will earn currency in one way or another through exploring dungeons and completing missions/bounties.[/color]