[center][h1][color=lime]ᖆ ᗋ ᕧ[/color][/h1][hr] [i][color=gray]“Tired of being constrained on earth? Tired of being held back by the shackles of mundane colony life? Start over, with the Lovis Superbia; your chariot to the heavens. Soar across the cosmos, and begin again on the far off world of Chyrodres. Greatness cannot be contained. Forge your own fate, amongst the stars.” [/color][/i][/center] [b]"We already on this shit, so why they keep saying that?"[/b] Rae stated, bluntly. A murmur of agreements and nods came from the small entourage that surrounded the young petite woman. She had been spending most of the morning in The Tropics chamber, adorning a bright red bikini. The complimentary to her green dreads she had been wearing for about a year now. Her eyes were covered in large sunglasses and her body was drenched in tanning oil. Her caramel skin was dark enough to have good color, but light enough to where she could definitely get a tan if she tried. She was trying. A large exasperated sigh escaped her lips as she switched from her back to her stomach, letting the rays pierce her skin with warm goodness. After a few minutes went by, a small gurgle came from her stomach. A signal that is was time for breakfast. She pondered for a moment whether she was going to go back to her room and eat something from her fridge, maybe order room service, or go to lounge so she could have some of the breakfast buffet. Another gurgle rumbled from her stomach, which answered her question for her. [b]"Yo, I'm hungry. I don't want any of you around me neither. So get lost for awhile. I'll see you later."[/b] She waited until the group split off into their own tasks for the day before sitting up and reaching into a backpack she had brought with her to the chamber. She reached in and pulled out a black cover up. A mesh dress of sorts, and placed on her black flip flops. She definitely wasn't dressed for luxury, but when you have a lot of money a trash bag seems 'breath taking'. Strolling her way down to The Imperial Lounge she was seated and before much time, getting up to help herself to a plate of food. She piled on the scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, grits and waffles. She wasn't too shy to eat, and when you have a buffet you have to utilize it. Sitting by herself she began digging into her food, enjoying the smells, the tastes, and the solitary for a moment.