[color=6ecff6]"Oh finally."[/color] He muttered to himself as he saw the gas station come into sight. He was quite relieved to see that he would finally be able to restock. Again, he doesn't like spending his rations that would only last a few days. If he could scavenge, then he would. He was about to step out of the alley and the sneak his way towards the gas station when someone already beat him to the punch. Though he couldn't hear it, from how the zombies around had reacted, the ringer of the gas station still worked and they were now heading towards the woman who had entered. Oh no. That was bad. This was really bad. That door wouldn't hold. Kiseki counted the zombies in the area and there were only two of them. One too much for him though. The dark haired male desperately looked for something, [i]anything[/i], to use to help the woman. It was rare to find another living, breathing human being who wasn't out for your flesh. And... and hey, maybe she could help him with finding Tanushi! But there wasn't anything he could do. He didn't have a weapon and all he was good for was running. Running. He was good at running. In fact, he was the fastest in his team. Maybe he could distract them long enough and then lose them in the alleyway. That plan could work right? It should work. His whole body trembled with nervousness and fear. He could feel his entire body protesting with his wishes to save the woman. Doubts plagued his mind. Could he even save her? Could he survive if he wanted to save her? [color=00aeef][i]"Come on Kiseki. You can do this."[/i][/color] He muttered to himself in Japanese. He placed a quivering hand on the wall beside him and the other on top of his heart. He took a deep breath and then let it out. Believe in it. He could do this. He placed one foot in front of the other as he made their way towards the zombies. He looked around to check if there were any more incoming. No, there were none. He stopped and picked up a rock. Get their attention. He picked up several more and then began throwing it at one of the gas pumps to create sound. If he screamed here, more of the zombies would pop up. Hopefully this would be enough to get their attention. And surely, it did. The two turned to him and then slowly walked towards him with the intent to eat him all up. Okay, what's next? Run. Run like your life depends on it. But wait, it did. Kiseki turned and ran into the alleyway and began making several turns while he was inside to lose them. Of course, he made sure that they followed him inside first before he made his move to lose them within the labyrinth made of concrete.