Felix leaned back, his butt touching the edge of the table that he was leaning on for support. Felix crossed his arms and placed his right hand under his chin in an expression of deep thought. "In terms of returning your lost memories, there is not much in the way of remedies that can help you in that department. Neurology is not a hard science as we know it, there is much left unknown and unexplored. We have made various assumptions on how the brain works in junction with the electrical impulses and have mapped out potential areas of stored memory, but it is all still very uncertain. What we do know is that magic cannot restore memory, it is impossible to recreate a genuine experience in the brain. Even illusions are not neuro-centric as we know them, they are tricks of the light, sounds and smells. In other words, they do not effect the individual directly but rather illusions effect the physical reality around them, creating fake sensations that feel real." Felix explained. He then looked over at Zuri, narrowing his eyes, "But you said that your memories are, 'clouded'? Meaning you sense bits and pieces of a remnant of something that you can no longer fully grasp? Interesting..." Felix activated manalysis and began sensing Zuri's aura. He could see the thick black cloud of void energy as it filled the room. Yes, no doubt this was a void aura. While not unheard of, void was certainly among the rarest of all the aspects. Aether was next to void in terms of rarity, the two being opposites of each other yet intertwined together. As Felix began to take a closer look he noticed something. Zuri's aura was not all black. There was a hint of a different aura. It took Felix by surprise, but he was certain that Zuri had two separate auras. "Hmm... that's certainly odd..." Felix murmured, "Zuri, you have two separate auras. but that must mean... Yes, I'm certain of it! You're cursed. That's the only explanation. Another magical energy has come into contact with your own, dampening it, and almost taking over. I'm not quite sure what it has done to you, but I know that it has fully integrated within your mana-wells, it has quite literally tainted your soul." Felix explained "I'm not quite sure how to deal with this. Obviously the first step would be to attempt some basic purification spells." Felix explained. Felix raised his right hand and his left hand, a ball of fire appeared in his right hand and a ball of water in his left. He began reciting a spell-verse, "Everything that can stand the fire, you shall pass through the fire, and it shall be clean," Felix released the ball of fire at Zuri, the fire enveloped Zuri, but was not hot, in fact it did not have a feeling to it whatsoever, "But it shall be purified with water for impurity," Felix continued, "But whatever cannot stand the fire you shall pass through the water. [color=fff200][b]Numbers, verse 31 chapter 23[/b][/color]" Felix released the ball of water which quenched the fire engulfing Zuri. The water did not dampen Zuri, or even have the same properties as normal water. In fact, it all seemed a bit illusory. "Intersting," Felix said, "that spell I just cast was a purification spell. However, it seemed to have had no effect on lifting your curse. This is worse than I thought." Felix continued watching the black aura closely, a small hint of a different aura barely registering on Felix's senses. "If only we could sever the hold this curse has on y-" Felix stood up straight and snapped his fingers, "That's it!" Felix exclaimed, "Ley lines! The ley lines, if we sever them, the curse would be lifted." Felix's enthusiasm died down a bit after he realized the weight of what he said, "The only current method of severing ley lines is irreversible so that won't work." "But if Travis and I can figure out a solution to this permanent ley line severing, we would have a cure." Felix eyed Travis, "You know what this means don't you?" Felix rhetorically asked Travis, "It means you have your next official task to work on!" Felix clapped his hands together in a swift single motion, a big smile on his face. "You know, Zuri." Felix pointed his clasped together hands at Zuri, "It occurs to me that because of your amnesiac state, you do not understand the fundamentals of magic theory and the application there-of." Felix paused, "In other words, you don't know how magic works." Felix surmised, "I could tell you a bit of the basics before I send you out on the next mission if you'd like." [hr] Raiya continued fidgeting with her metal and her cleaning cloth. Not looking up from her work, she replied to Nemo's question. [color=ec008c]"Not much to know really. The Crux gang is new. It was set up as a proxy gang for the Yakuza, as a sort of Yakuza foreign affairs office. The Crux gang deals with the distribution of Yakuza goods on US soil, as well as the routing of profits gained through this distribution back to Japanese soil. We also deal with every business negotiations on the US soil."[/color] Raiya said with little enthusiasm, [color=ec008c]"The main office is in New York, but there are 50 different main branches, and thousands of sub-branches throughout the states. My job mostly consists of keeping the New York gang in order. But my word is law throughout all of the gangs, and this sometimes requires me to visit the different states in order to settle disputes and quash dissent."[/color] Raiya glanced up from her work staring briefly at the wall in front of her, [color=ec008c]"But the threat of the Yakuza power and name is usually enough to keep dissenters in line."[/color] Raiya looked back down at her blade and resumed her work of futility. [color=ec008c]"In terms of the name and the theme of the gang, those decisions were left up to me. All of the management decisions were left up to me, actually. I was given one simple task, to, 'extend the Yakuza's reach into the United States territory.' How I did that was up to me."[/color] Raiya finished.