Elarin awoke to the ship's AI calling everyone to the bridge, apparently due to a message coming in from the planet of Ofromia. Elarin slowly shook himself awake, peeled himself off of his bed, and popped a couple of caffeine pills into his mouth to hopefully get himself a bit more alert for when it came time to land the ship. Switching off the heat lamps that adorned the ceiling of his room, Elarin stepped out the door, and headed for the bridge. Stepping into the bridge room, Elarin noted that two of Will's bees were answering the phone, as Vanessa and Toony stood. Toony had spoke, offering to make a party outfit for anyone that needed one. Elarin spoke as he walked through the door, moving next to the pilot's chair. [color=lightgreen]"That won't be necessary, Toony. The Help Ad stated that clothes would be provided. All we have to do is help make the party great, and then enjoy it."[/color]