[quote=@Wraithblade6] Suddenly, one of the pipes along the damaged wall burst and started shooting fumes into the corridor. Powerarmor cogitators immediately identified the vapors spectroscopicly as steam, but it could have been anything noxious on a xeno vessel. It was a sign to gtfo before this corridor caught fire for whatever reason. "Killteam advance!" Everyone was in position, and with eyes on Drascal and Victor, Aldaric gave the order to move. Sounds were already moving toward them from in front, and now the view in back was obscured by white clouds. There was little time before the Dark Eldar realized that they had been boarded. A stormshield and bolterfire would be the first and possibly only thing the xenos would witness before hitting the floor. [/quote] Dude, were you pissed when you wrote this? The spelling mistakes and the use of 'gtfo' alone make it a post that I believe is below you. :(