Peggy slumped down on her chair, leaning back a bit. [i]This is so stupid..[/i] She thought twirling around her brown locks of hair. Frustrated, her hand rose aggressively in the air. She was losing her patience. [color=LightSalmon]"Teach' I needa use the bath-"[/color]her sentence was cut of as the school bells sang loudly. Their scratchy voice echoed throughout the school, causing Peggy almost to lose her balance by the sound. [center][i]Next class I guess..[/i][/center] This teen was rather small with small details of freckles that raced through her face. Peggy had been told she looked like a painting, as her skin and hair smoothly blended with her surroundings. The curly light brown haired of hers bounced with ever step she took. She crossed the hall with a smug expression on her face, slowly slipping away from the line of class. As her relaxed steps soon turned to running ones. Peggy headed towards the bathroom, passing a few people here and there.