As much as he wished to hear more of an extended conversation between the otherwise isolated pair, and he did, the Shadow Warrior could not stand idly by while this idiot human divulged everything - from their eventual goals to all their encounters thus far – to an Elf that had suddenly appeared out of the jungle; an oddly calm and dare he say [i]sane[/i] figure, at least for one who had apparently been tramping about this humid hell-hole for the gods knew how long. Although he did not need to look back over his shoulder to know that Balthazar was no longer able to be seen, his flesh in goosebumps and his hairs standing on end simply from the proximity to the use of magic, he did take a quick glance behind and saw exactly what he had expected – nothing. Clearly the Marienburger was more than he appeared to be, but for now the Asur had other 'fish to fry'... “Darren,” he said simply, stepping from the undergrowth with his bow held low but his arrow still nocked to it, “please step away from our guest, if you would be so kind.” He did not wait for the wizard to comply, standing from his half-crouch to his full height and turning his almost dead gaze on the only other person currently visible to the naked eye. “Thirodaen, was it?” Came the careful question, a veil in front of so many threats, pleasant to hear but certainly tipped with venom, “it is a pleasure to meet another Asur so far from our beloved home...” his soft steps took him about the other Elf in a circular motion, one that did not cease even as he went on speaking, “speaking of which, you have an unusual accent, where is it you would be from...cousin?”