[color=bc8dbf][center][h1]Satilla Valen[/h1][/center][/color] [center][color=bc8dbf]Location:[/color] By the Cave [color=bc8dbf]Interacting With:[/color] Everyone in the merry group about, but mostly Keystone & Kyra.[/center] With the situation calming down a little for the moment, Satilla could finally take a deep breath as she leaned on the wall of the cave nearby. She wasn't feeling too great right now, her low stamina and endurance coupled with what had happened and the fatigue building up from using her spells was catching up to her. She blinked a few times as she noted Keystone's statement about tea.[color=bc8dbf]” Good... I will prepare... just need a moment or two.”[/color] She replied with a smile, taking deep breaths, trying to get her blood pumping and the focus in her mind and sight. It was helping, but she sure needed to get some stimulating potions or herbs to keep her mind focused whenever situations like these popped up. Only reason she hadn't so far was because she full well knew how addicting those can be. [color=bc8dbf]“It was the right thing to do.”[/color] Satilla replied with a smile to Kyra and nodded.[color=bc8dbf]” Besides I like her. She's a good person and she did save us with that wall. If she didn't put it...[/color]” The witch shivered at the possible outcomes.[color=bc8dbf]” It'd be wrong if she died for saving us. I'm out of useful healing magic, but I have a couple of potions. We can additionally pour some into the tea also. Both warm her up, boost her system and help with recovery... besides tea will make drinking the potions easier.”[/color] The witch then suddenly froze for a moment as Kyra granted her a dagger. She blinked and reached to take it.[color=bc8dbf]” Thank you.”[/color] She replied with sincere voice and carefully took the dagger. She still felt her own dagger strapped to her inner tight, but a second one wouldn't hurt, beside this was a big gesture from the archer, a gesture that made the witch feel a little happy.[color=bc8dbf]” What will we do now?”[/color] Satilla asked and looked about the place.[color=bc8dbf]” We cannot stay here for much longer... and the master of those undead is still lurking about somewhere, spinning his plans...”[/color]