As the pair started to ring out to her, those green eyes found themselves looking at the mortal women once more, but instead of a raised eyebrow there was a gentle smile on her lips. [b][color=fd0347]".. I do not mean to bring out the foolishness in you, Anela.."[/color][/b] she lightly teased. Soon enough though, she adorned a more serious expression followed by a sigh. [b][color=fd0347]"Again, this is new to me. When I ascended the first time, it was no time before I had hundreds - even thousands - of those asking for my guidance and wisdom."[/color][/b] Cecilia pushed from the table and stood up, brushing her hair back as she slowly started to pace back and forth in thought. When she finally decided on something, she came to a slow stop and turned to the women. [b][color=fd0347]"I suppose there is no better way to go about this... then to commission ourselves to a hero's life.. if you truly wish. I would never force anything of you.."[/color][/b] Again, she smirked, though perhaps with a slight bashfulness at Anela. [b][color=fd0347]".. so no need to bow."[/color][/b] With the lightest of blushes on her cheeks as she also gave Kali a curious glance, she walked over to the blade in the ground, pulling it from it's resting place. [b][color=fd0347]"Find someone in need. Though perhaps it would be best I ask this - what expertise do either of you have? In magic, combat, or simply otherwise. I may be immortal, but you two are not.. yet.."[/color][/b] Cecilia wasn't sure letting slip a secret like that was exactly a wise choice so early, but on the other hand, felt it would do no harm to hint towards her thoughts. She was acutely aware of how important they were and wished for them to be more, if they proved to be the type of women that fit her own role in the heavens.