I'm currently building a NWN moule at a painstaking pace. I would like help with the plot. Basic Premise: Its oriental themed Its basicaly a revenge story It starts with a flashback with the character remembering how his father was killed by Teh Uber Evil Lord's troops Then there's a flashback where he remembers his failed assassination attempt on the lord The lord spares his life and throws him in the dungeon to rot In the dungeon, the character finds the Necronomicon. Character reads Necronomicon and is transported to some wierd place with Yog-Sothoth in it. Makes bargain with Yog-Sothoth. In exchange for his soul, Yog-Sothoth will free him from prison. Yog-Sothoth splits his soul into parts, and whenever he dies will claim a part, then send him back. (I.E Ten lives.) [url=https://klingeltonemp3.info/spiel-klingeltone]spiel klingeltöne[/url] After that I have no idea where to go. It has to end with him dueling with TehUberBadLord in the Void. TehUberBadLOrd is a Hastur worshiping guy, and is really arrogant. Sms Töne: https://klingeltonemp3.info/sms-tone I need ideas! Please?