[@DriveEMOut] The steps of hers slowed down when she spotted a figure off in the distance. Peggy planted one hand on her hip, swaying side to side as she stared at the person. They had their head down so she wasn't able to fully see who it was. All she really did spot was their fluffy auburn hair. A smile grew as she turned her head, shrugging in the process. After a few mins of walking down the hall, she reached her destination. [color=LightSalmon]"Girls bathroom!" [/color] Peggy stepped inside the place, walking towards the end of the stall. She never really liked the first or middle, it was always the last one. After she flushed, she did her usual motivation act. It was a more of a, 'remember how much fun you'll have during summer' kind of act. Peggy hummed, smiling as she walked towards the sink. She rinsed her hands and looked up, watching herself wail her hands in the air. [color=LightSalmon]"Cmon, dry dry dry~"[/color] Peggy sang out, afterwards reaching to touch her cheeks. Her eyes trailed towards the mirror, a giggle escaped her pink full lips. Soon enough her fingers snapped, pointing at her reflection. [center][color=LightSalmon]"Dang Mami, you come here often?"[/color][/center]