[quote=@The1Rolling1Boy] [@Thread Generator SIN] Okay thanks. Where could I jump in? [/quote] OR! You could start where Venom was supposed to start on the pile of npc children in the center of the room next to the map. If you like this idea, I'll rewrite that part and BAM you have yourself written into the OC. Up to you. In light of our new members, I'll be postponing my post for ONE more day. It'll give [@Blueflame][@XxLyraxX] and [@MisterMisery] some more time to post as well as give out new members some time to catch up a bit. (Not at all because I'm lazy >_>....<_<) I only mention [@MisterMisery] because [@Laach] is interacting with him and one of my characters. [@Vesuvius00] and [@Ryougu] You guys can post again if you want or you can wait for me to post for Naomi tomorrow.