[h2][center]~|Nar Shaddaa, Veenra|~[/center][/h2] [h2][center]~|Day 3, 6th Hour|~[/center][/h2] [hr] Fa and her team staggered their approach to the bar, the place named [i]Veenra[/i]. Both fortunately and unfortunately for them, Nar Shaddaa was an easy place for one to fade away. The positive aspect was that they did not have much trouble on approach. Crowds tended to be thick, and people tended to keep to themselves. There was little challenge for Vebra’s squad to surround the establishment to cut off their target’s escape, and to avoid standing out while doing so, even though the crowds were thinner near the entrance. They just had to get inside, and find the woman they were looking for. As for herself, Fa coordinated her appearance and behavior to make her seem as little like a Jedi as possible. Her walk was overall aloof, but her expression was firm, almost harsh. Being Tiss’shar, she was alien to almost every stranger she met. Her kind was a little-known species in the galaxy, which often could be made to serve to her advantage. They could only judge her based on the impressions she gave them, which she controlled entirely. She was a muscular individual, and since her species did not tend to wear clothing, that fact was readily apparent to anyone looking at her. She had sharp claws and teeth, and was even wearing a blaster pistol on her hip. She had no actual intention of using it, but it helped to sell the appearance she was going for. She could be seen as a bounty hunter, or perhaps just a simple thug, but she certainly had the appearance of someone who would be dangerous to cross. Unless one was familiar with her species, it was unlikely that they would even be able to determine if she was male or female. Fa saw the Trandoshan and gave a brief nod to Vebra, but she decided for now to ignore the drunken reptile. He was large and dangerous, but so far he did not seem to be causing trouble. They could not afford to cause a scene and risk exposing themselves. She avoided staring at him as she walked past him into the bar, though she still remained alert. If he did anything potentially aggressive, she was ready to act in an instant. Stepping just inside the front door of the bar, Fa had to deal with the unfortunate aspect of Nar Shaddaa’s crowds. The entire moon was teeming with life, and the bar was no different. The patrons were numerous, varied, and lively from their drinks. Upbeat, repetitive music was playing, though it was being drowned out by the dozens of indistinct conversations all around the bar. It was like looking into a small sea of people, in which any one person could hardly be noticed. But, Fa needed to notice her. Even in close proximity, it would take some conversation to tune out the “noise” of all the life around her, but she reached out with her senses to attempt to locate one strong in the force.