[center][h3][color=#778899]Yoshikage Kurou[/color][/h3] [img]http://statici.behindthevoiceactors.com/behindthevoiceactors/_img/chars/robin-male-fire-emblem-awakening-2.06.jpg[/img] [@liferusher] [b][color=#778899]"What bad taste vampires have!"[/color][/b][/center] [hr] [i]Well maybe her nephew should be reading better books![/i] -- is what Kurou wanted to say, but did not so as not to appear any more stupid than he already did. How could you fault him for not being into those boring collections of paper? He liked playing sports and he liked moving around. Movies and books did not satisfy this requirement in the least, so it was fairly rare that he ever bothered to watch them. And ever since he was tricked into watching a movie about ghosts, he had been rather cautious in what he viewed nowadays. [b][color=#778899]"Well I am glad your nephew is five and has seen vampires before. But since he is your nephew, would that not be weird if he did not know about them?"[/color][/b] Kurou asked, his sour tone unhidden as he replied. [b]"Fine! I'll explain!"[/b] Hikari suddenly stated, moving over to a flag and casually taking it from the wall and flinging it onto her back. Now wearing the flag-cape, she returned to Kurou and took a pose with the cape covering a majority of her face. [b]"Creatures of the night, we catch our prey by careful observation and patience and strike at the right time!"[/b] she said, quickly glancing left and right. She looked rather ridiculous in Kurou's opinion. Was she supposed to be scar--- Immediately, Kurou hopped back, startled by the sudden shout. [b][color=#778899]"H-hey, don't do that!" he told her. "If I had a more violent reaction to that, you wouldn't be able to attend school for the day. Or... well, for a while."[/color][/b] He didn't bother to go into detail about it. Apparently she did not hear him or just did not care enough, because Hikari decided that instead of acknowledging his warning, she would ignore what he said minutes ago about getting too close to people by hugging him. He did not particularly dislike it, but it did feel weird to be touched so often by a girl he had only just met. Why was she so touchy? Separating herself from him just enough so she could look him in the eyes, she continued on about vampires. [b]"Vampires have a keen sense of smell and eyes that can look through the dark, they also have very sharp teeth that can be used to suck the blood of the prey!"[/b] she informed him. [color=#778899][i]Wait, what? That sounds horrible! Blood tastes all... uh, ironey. Why would anybody want to drink it?[/i][/color] Perhaps disturbed for the wrong reason, Kurou couldn't keep his expression from turning sour. [b][color=#778899]"Is that true?! How terrifying!"[/color][/b] He was, of course, referring to the fact that anybody would want to suck blood because of how bad it tasted. The prickly feeling was unpleasant, and just as anybody might, he had assumed she had just bit him out of nowhere. [b][color=#778899]"Hey! I need that blood for... well, living!"[/color][/b] he quickly grabbed the spot on his neck where she had "bitten" him as Hikari moved away. Of course, it became clear that she was teasing him when she pricked his neck with her fingers and it left Kurou feeling a bit upset that he had been rused. But also relieved. He did not want to lose blood! [b][color=#778899]"O-oh, okay."[/color] [/b] At least he did not seem to mind it too much. [b]"Well! This should explain as much as you need to know! Keep it engraved in that thing of yours."[/b] she told him. [b][color=#778899]"I will."[/color][/b] Kurou answered, scratching the back of his head. A couple of moments passed before he noticed something wrong. [b][color=#778899]"Hey, what do you mean "thing"?"[/color][/b] he questioned.