[@Dblade26] Thanks for the endorsement~ [@Acid Hippie] I'm willing to offer any assistance, anytime. Like I said if you need help reviewing CS's or just want to bounce ideas off me don't hesitate. I've been really craving a group RP for while but nothing was really catching my interest so I wanna do what I can to make sure this goes well. On that note, may I offer a suggestion on the leveling and experience system? I know that the numbers aren't meant to be taken in the way of "my numbers are bigger than yours so i win" but I have always found that it can still muck up things. Whether it be players who will take them in that concrete way or new players trying to come in but feeling like they can't catch up or they don't have the time to post often enough to keep pace with other characters. Instead of having concrete experience points why not let it just be based on character development and moderate it, ie what the character learns or overcomes during a certain fight or job. Make the levels more of a title system that denotes experience and/or strength. Keeps things flexible so while someone may have a higher rank/title it doesn't necessarily represent a level of strength. Just my thoughts on it.